A Wild Udyr, a YouTuber, posted a video showcasing his custom-made Dr. Mundo skin in the style of popular League of Legends streamer and weightlifter Tyler1. This Dr. Mundo skin created by the community is now available for download.
Tyler1’s skin pays respect to the prominent streamer in both appearance and the character’s reworked powers. To begin, this new Dr. Mundo is decked out in Tyler1’s characteristic apparel, including his “Winnable” muscle tank top.
Mundo’s Infected Bonesaw ability has a heavyweight for this fan-made skin. The face of League on Twitch, who just broke his personal record by lifting a 550-pound weight, is almost as well known for his lifting prowess. Heart Zapper, another of Dr. Mundo’s active abilities, depicts the playable champion performing Tyler1’s characteristic “Blood Rush” pre-workout.
Tyler1, despite being one of the most popular Twitch streamers for Riot Games’ MOBA, was banned from League for over three years. Tyler1 has visited All-Stars, performed in a showmatch on the LCS stage, and has even been signed by the renowned T1 organization since being unbanned.
Tyler1 is a Twitch streamer with 4.7 million followers. Tyler1 has progressed from his long-standing role in the bottom lane to the Challenger rank in a variety of other roles throughout the last year. This fan-made skin appears to honor one of League’s most prolific players.