Twitch emote artists will eventually be able to display a special badge in channels where they’ve worked.
Twitch seems to be introducing a new option for streamers to express their gratitude to their favorite musicians. According to Twitch commentator Zach Bussey, the site has introduced a specific badge for emotive artists.
The emote artist badge, like the green moderator and pink VIP badges, will most probably have a restricted number of places. Streamers will almost certainly be able to allocate it to their emote artists manually. The blue and white emote artist insignia depict a painter’s palette with a paintbrush on top.
For years, Twitch creators have been requesting a particular way to recognize their channel and emote artists. The creation of a “paintbrush badge” for emotive artists has been one of the most popular badge requests on Twitch’s user feedback site since 2017. Although this idea was made almost four years ago, it appears that Twitch has finally taken notice.
User Vessi said, “Artists that draw Twitch emotes have contributed so much to the Twitch community yet receive so little acknowledgment on Twitch for all their labor,” based on T1Appalled’s idea. It would be great if these artists might be awarded a ‘Global Paintbrush Badge’ in appreciation of their efforts in developing emotes.”
They went on to say that emotive artists who have worked on more than 50 channels could get a special “certified” paintbrush badge to show their status as a prolific emote artist. Twitch’s version of this concept appears to lack any kind of verification or unique status for emote artists who have worked on several channels.

While Twitch’s upcoming paintbrush badge appeared to be a more basic version of T1Appalled’s original concept, it will allow streamers to award a special badge to their emotive creators. It’s unclear whether or not the emote artist badge will be available to all Twitch channels or only Twitch partners and affiliates.
This isn’t the first time the Twitch community has requested features that have since been implemented. Twitch should implement a “loyalty system” where users can earn points for viewing channels and redeem those points for gifts, according to YouTube partner Inventor Blades. This seems remarkably similar to Twitch’s channel points system, which debuted in 2019.
Most Twitch streamers already pay tribute to their emote creators on their channel page, but the paintbrush badge is a wonderful addition. On Twitch, it’s unclear when the new emote artist badge will be available.