How much money are we talking about here?
According to Reddit, some Apex Legends gamers are eager to see Olympus return to the map pool.
SmileyWiley98, a Reddit user, recently initiated a debate about how much they adore Olympus. “I miss this map so badly,” they wrote in the subject of their post. “It seemed so joyful and bright.” I’m not sure how everyone else felt about it, but I truly hope it comes back.”
Olympus has been absent from the game’s map rotation since the start of Season 11, which began on November 2. Sole World’s Edge and Storm Point are currently in rotation for public matches, with Storm Point being the only ranking map. Respawn has stated that the second ranked split of season 11 will take place on World’s Edge, therefore it appears that gamers will not see Olympus in ranked play until at least season 12.
Fellow Olympus enthusiasts criticized the current season’s lack of Olympus and shouted its virtues in the comments section of SmileyWiley98’s post. Commenter Cokaway stated that they “would pay for Olympus and Storm Point to stay on rotation for a season” so they could “say goodbye to the rest of the maps.”
Others agreed, claiming that Olympus has a greater variety of hot drops than other maps and is visually distinct from the other battle royale locales. One popular idea was to include every map in the public match rotation, which would mean that the pub maps would alternate between Storm Point, Kings Canyon, World’s Edge, and Olympus.
It’s unclear how much money people are ready to spend to play on Olympus sooner rather than later, but what is apparent is their love for the map and the unique battle royale options it provides.