The 2022 LCS Spring Split concluded yesterday, with a familiar face atop the league’s KDA leaderboard after eight weeks of competition. Team Liquid mid laner Bjergsen returned to the LCS stage with a vengeance in his first full split since the summer of 2020, posting a KDA of 8.9 across the 18-game split, according to League of Legends stats site Oracle’s Elixir.
According to Oracle’s Elixir, Bjergsen’s KDA of 8.9 this split is the highest KDA he’s ever had in a single split in his nine-year career. Bjergsen outperformed his 2018 Spring Split KDA of 8.5 this spring.
This split, Bjergsen’s high KDA was largely due to his unrivaled ability to simply stay alive. Bjergen averaged 1.16 deaths per game, the lowest among all qualified LCS players this spring, with only 21 deaths across 18 games.
Aside from Bjergsen, two other Liquid players were in the top three in terms of overall KDA this spring. Santorin, the jungler, and CoreJJ, the support, rounded out the top three with 6.1 and 6.0, respectively. Cloud9’s Fudge had the highest KDA of any mid laner this split, finishing with a KDA of 5.8 during his debut split at the position.
Bjergsen finished the Spring Split with the second-highest KDA among all qualified regular season participants across the League’s four major regions, even outside of the LCS. His 8.9 KDA ranked higher than the LPL and LCK KDA leaders—LNG AD carry Light (7.8) and Gen.G mid laner Chovy (8.2)—and only fell short of Fnatic ADC Upset’s world-record-breaking mark of 16.5 for the best KDA this spring, according to Oracle’s Elixir.
Bjergsen and top-seeded Liquid will return to the LCS stage on April 3 to face Evil Geniuses in a first-round playoff match.